Main Committee
The club is managed by a Main Committee. As we are a company limited by guarantee, most elected committee members are Directors of the company. Each member is elected annually at the General Meeting in December.
Bowling decisions and organisation is delegated to a Playing Committee. Members of each committee are elected annually at Section General Meetings..
Current Committee membership is as follows:-
Main Committee
Chairman John Markham 01206 385738
Company Secretary Ann Ainslie 01206 681709 07903850830
Treasurer Colin Vinter 01206 384923
Green Manager Ernie Rutter 07849403909
Bar Manager Steve Bannister 01206 413089 07427889902
Publicity Manager Ross Cousens 07717223081
Catering Manager Martina Deere 07774011296
Maintenance Manager Bob Ryall 07973316981
Social Reps Sue Ryall 07904328970
Bet Davies 07500807559
Financial Examiner Brian Littlewood 01206 735087
Welfare Officer Pat Holt 01206 738501
Playing Committee
Hon Secretary Avril Brookes 01206 681757. 07504885160
Captain Steve Ainslie 01206 681709. 07958964208
Vice Captain Nigel Holt 01206 738501
Graeme Brookes 01206 681757. 07368289831
Doreen Avis 01206 385720
Colin Vinter 01206 384923
Mick Darby 01206 542579